The VIKI LCD attaches to the Azteeg X3 that controls a Bukobot using two 6-wire cables. These cables attach to the VIKI as shown below. With the board oriented so that you can read the text on the back of the module, the red wires should be in th upper left corner of each connector. {{ :viki_wires.jpg |}} ---- These cables have separate connectors for each wire on the other end. They connect to the Azteeg X3 as shown below. The top wire on the VIKI (the one with the red wire labelled "5v") goes to EXP3. It provides power to the VIKI as well as signals for LCD, encoder and buttons. The bottom wire goes to the pins near the reset button and SD card slot, and is used for the SD card slot on the VIKI and the reset button. Be sure to plug each wire into the right pin. {{ ::viki-diagram.jpg |}} {{:viki_x3_sd.jpg?400|}}{{:viki_x3.jpg?400|}} Panucatt also recommends disconnecting the solder jumper on the bottom of the X3 board labeled "mSD enable", but this should not be necessary as long as you don't try to put an SD card in the slot on the X3 and one in the slot on the VIKI at the same time. Once the wires are connected, you'll need to update your firmware with VIKI support enabled. Download the "Bukobot Update" firmware linked on [[marlin|this page]] and follow the instructions to prepare it for your machine. For VIKI support, you will need to use Arduino version 1.0.4, and you will need to install the included libraries. In your Marlin download,there should be a folder called "ArduinoAddons", which contains a folder called "Arduino_1.x.x", which in turn contains a folder called "libraries". Follow the instructions [[|here]] to install each of these libraries. In addition to the options described on the Marlin page linked above, you will also need to uncomment the line that says "#define VIKI" to configure the firmware to include support for the VIKI. Once you have done this, you can upload the firmware to your X3, and the VIKI should work. ====Troubleshooting==== If the direction the menus move when you turn the encoder wheel feels wrong to you, you can reverse it by switching the white wire on the EXP3 port with the yellow one.