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===== Preparing the Heated Bed - Discussion Page ===== This page is for more detailed discussion and documentation of the preparation of the heated bed for printing. Mounting the heated bed, hooking up its electrical connections, and leveling it, are documented fairly well elsewhere. This page is all about thermal insulation, the glass sheet, polyimide tape, blue tape, and so forth. ------------- It would probably save time and hassle if the platform was fully prepared for printing, on top and underneath, //before// the platform is added to the machine. However, nobody has actually done this, //and// fully documented it on this wiki. Most of the rest of the build is mechanically obvious, compared to the thermal complications of the heated platform. There is some disagreement as to the best methods. For these reasons, the "jit's build" documentation largely skips over the preparation of the heated platform, at least so far. Complete, successful platform implementations should be documented here. There may be a number of ways of doing things, and they are all welcome on this page. Please contribute.

heated-bed-preparation.1355277129.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/12/11 19:52 by jit